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About Me 

My name is Helen Carberry and have been working as a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist since April 2017.


I was working in the finance sector since 1985 and was job sharing as I had two small children. I liked my job but was deeply unsatisfied and always felt something was missing.


I started getting craniosacral sessions myself in 2010 due to a bout of vertigo. It was very effective for settling down the vertigo but what I noticed was that I felt so much better overall and was given a chance to reflect on all that had happened in my own life. I was also able to release long held emotions and patterns in my body. 


I remember thinking that this would be an amazing way to work. So with lots of support and encouragement from my husband and family, I started the training in 2015 and qualified in 2017.

Craniosacral Therapist Dublin 15

Helen Carberry 

Certified Craniosacral Therapist 

Becoming a Craniosacral Therapist has changed my life in so many ways. I am now more easy in my body and have learned how to listen to it when something doesn't feel right. I get support when I need it so I can be a more effective therapist and I can learn to work with difficult events and stories.


I am privileged to work with clients of all ages to help and empower them to realise the power of their bodies ability to heal. I am proud to offer an empathetic listening and also safety for all clients. They can share their thoughts, worries and fears in a safe, non judgmental environment. 


I have worked with clients of all ages and with lots of different challenges in their lives.It's such an honour to witness them telling their stories through their bodies and finding more ease and peace in life. 


My first position was in the Obus Centre in Leixlip in 2017 but then I was lucky enough to be able to open my own clinic at home in 2020.. I am proud to offer this space to clients . 

"Helen is the most beautiful person, amazing at what she does, highly recommended."


Studies & Certifications

As well as completing my Diploma in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, I have continued to study and deepen into the work of trauma and healing. 


My studies include:


  • Working with babies and children

  • Generational Trauma Healing

  • Death and Rebirth in Craniosacral Therapy Practice 

  • Distant CranioSacral Integration. 

  • Diploma in anatomy Physiology. ITEC level 5 

  • And I have commenced IBT -Integrative Baby Therapy -2 year course. I plan to offer this from late 2025.

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"today was my first session with Helen, she’s very adorable and tuned in immediately with my symptoms. The minute she started working with my body I felt really relaxed definitely I’ll go back for more sessions.
Thank you so much Helen many blessings"

What is Craniosacral Therapy?

Craniosacral  Therapy is a light touch therapy that allows the body to heal in a lasting way.  


It has its roots in Osteopathy and has changed as the years have gone on  into  a powerful healing therapy. It's essentially body work and is concerned with what difficult experiences we may be holding in our muscles,tissues and other places . These body memories can be really uncomfortable in one's life and can manifest emotionally or physically.


I am passionate about letting the body communicate these experiences or memories and then allowing them to release through this wonderful gentle therapy. 

Helen Carberry Craniosacral Therapist Dublin 15

I believe that change is achieved through the development of trust between me and my client and my ability to reflect to them where they may be holding tension or where there are restrictions. Clients learn to recognise where they are holding stress, grief or trauma in their bodies and once they acknowledge this to their bodies, it can be released very gently and safely. 


My clients range in age from birth to the elderly and I have been privileged to witness amazing healing in people's lives

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