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Children & Teenagers Craniosacral Therapy 

Craniosacral Therapy for children 1-12 year olds

40 minutes €60 

During the early years of life, children undergo rapid physical and neurological development. The birthing process can sometimes result in compression or misalignment of the cranial bones or soft tissues in infants and this can be carried in their posture. 


Many young children experience digestive issues such stomach pain, constipation.These can show up at transition times like toilet training, starting playschool or at school. Sleep disturbances are common among young children, whether due to discomfort, teething, or developmental changes. 


And some children may exhibit behavioural challenges such as hyperactivity, anxiety, or difficulty focusing. There may be a diagnosis of Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, ASD or special needs.


Craniosacral therapy  can help with all these issues and offers a gentle approach to supporting the health and well-being of young children. Through gentle touch and non-invasive techniques, it can help with any experiences children may be carrying from their time in the womb or from birth. 


It soothes the nervous system and allows better ease in the body so children can start to feel safe in the world and in their bodies.

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"Very good. Helen is so professional and has a great way with teenagers"

Craniosacral Therapy for children aged 13-17

45 minutes €65 

Teenagers have lots of challenges in this modern world and this therapy is very effective for :


Stress Reduction, improved sleep which can lead to improved focus and concentration.


Dyslexia, ASD and special needs diagnosis. The therapy can help settle the nervous system and aid children in coping better in school and at home.


Teenagers can have mental health challenges which can be very difficult for them so regular sessions can help reduce stress and also release any residual birth trauma which may be still in their bodies. 


Overall, craniosacral therapy offers teenagers a gentle approach to self-care.  By incorporating regular sessions into their routine, teenagers can better manage stress, improve their mental and physical health, and cultivate resilience during this transformative period of life.

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